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Hypnotherapy for Depression
and Low Mood
Beautiful Nature

We work together to help you to understand your emotions and thought patterns , enabling you to regulate your own emotions and imagine a more positive, fulfilling future.


What is depression?


Depression can be caused by specific experiences in your life or by biological factors, and can feel like extreme sadness, loss, emptiness or even numbness for long periods of time.

Depression and persistant low mood means that your nervous system is imbalanced, and as with anxiety, the number of people suffering with depression has massively increased in recent years, as the number of people with depression is now 1 in 5 in the UK.


How can hypnotherapy help depression and low mood?


We work together to find new strategies and perspectives to help you to re-engage with the elements of life which you enjoy the most, by restoring balance to the nervous system.

Hypnotherapy can help you to feel safe again in your body and in the world, nurturing your sense of confidence and self-esteem which you deserve to embody, and to enjoy life again.






  Common Depression Symptoms:


  • Feeling empty, numb or sad constantly.

  • Feeling hopeless.

  • Insomnia or sleeping too much.

  • Feelings of regret, guilt and shame, overthinking and lamenting on past situations.

  • Low self esteem, no self confidence.

  • Finding it hard to get up in the morning.

  • Thoughts of self harm or suicide.

Lucy Collins

Hypnotherapist &







Phone: +447716050534


Practice Addresses:







The Clifton Practice

8-10 Whiteladies Road

Bristol, BS8 1PD








BS2 Therapy Rooms

127 Wilder Street

Bristol, BS28QU

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